Monday, August 31, 2015

Tony's Birthday

Tony celebrated both his birthday, and starting a new job, during the same week. We were not able to have a date night, no sitter at the moment. So, he went out to see Straight Outta Compton with some pals while I watched the kids. We also celebrated with a family meal. I made my Tex-Mex loving  husband some tasty enchiladas with cashew cheeze, black olives, and red Hatch chile sauce.

The kids and I also made the Boston Cream Pie Cake from Vegan Pie in the Sky. Jackson and Olivia looked through the whole cookbook together and that was the one they chose. Good pick!

We are so proud of Tony as he starts his new director job, which he has been after for awhile. It is going to be a great year for him.

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